Transform individual behaviours, encourage new ways of working and create a purpose-driven organisational culture.

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Unlock The Potential Of Your Business's Assets With Organisational Design

We often find that organisations operate like nine-year-olds on a soccer field; there’s a lot of activity and excitement with players clustered around the soccer ball like a swarm of bees, but when you look at the scoreboard no goals have been scored, organisations are no different to a soccer team.


So how do we get a team to score goals and win the game? Once the strategy or game plan has been developed the appropriate team structure (strikers, mid-fielders, defenders, in a 3-4-3 formation) has to be created, the correct skills need to be put in the correct positions, appropriate leadership needs to be instilled, empowering values needs to be agreed upon and implemented, and lastly, efficient side-line technologies providing Business Intelligence needs to be deployed.

Our Approach

By systematically and holistically addressing the above elements, we provide the stepping stones to pave the way forward to future success. Although organisational structures, processes, and systems are important, making sure you tap into the highest levels of employee motivation is even more important. Creating a high-performance organisation requires changing its ways of working,  as well as its approach to building and aligning capabilities in leadership and culture.


Are your people allowed to work autonomously? Is there a line of sight between what they do and the organisational aspirations? Are they involved in decision-making? These are some of the aspects that affect organisational behaviour and which we assess as part of our Discovery phase.


We will assist you to transform individual behaviours, encourage new ways of working and create a purpose-driven organisational culture. MetaPerformance has extensive experience in directing major transformation programmes which often involves Organisational Design in support of the Business Strategy and the Target Operating Model. We  offer Organisational Design Consulting Services which involves the following:

  • Organisation Structure Design
    • Job design
    • Job profiling
  • Capacity planning
    • Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) analysis/ determination
  • Performance Management System Consulting Services

Contact Us

PAIA contact person: Mornay Vivier,